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Comment allez-vous recevoir votre versement après avoir accueilli des voyageurs ?

Apprenez les bases en matière de paiements : quand et comment vous les recevrez.
Par Airbnb, le 12 févr. 2020
Temps de lecture : 2 min
Date de dernière mise à jour : 15 août 2024

Airbnb makes it easy to receive payments, which we call payouts, in just a few steps.

Comment recevrai-je mes paiements ?

You choose how you’d like to receive the money you earn hosting. Your options depend on where you’re based. Payout methods include:

  • Bank account
  • Fast Pay
  • International wire
  • Payoneer PrePaid Debit Mastercard
  • PayPal
  • Western Union

To set up payouts, add a payout method under Payments & payouts in your hosting account settings. The method you select will apply to all future payouts until you change it.

You may need to provide your taxpayer information so we can send you the correct tax documents. Not sure if this applies to you? Learn more about tax forms

While your payout method is being verified, it’ll show as pending. The verification process can take up to 10 days—unless you choose Fast Pay, which is verified instantly.

How much you’ll get paid

Select any reservation on your calendar to see what the guest paid and your earnings for that stay. Scroll down below the booking details for itemized lists that include:

  • Your nightly price for the guest’s stay
  • Any optional fees you charge for cleaning, pets, or extra guests
  • Occupancy taxes
  • Guest and host service fees
  • Co-host payout, if you’ve set one up
  • Your total payout

Most Hosts pay a Host service fee of 3%. This fee helps Airbnb cover the costs of the products and services that help you share your space, like 24/7 customer support. Learn more about service fees

If your payout is lower than you expected, it could be because of discounts you added or a reservation cancellation or change. Transaction fees may also apply to certain payout methods, though many are available at no additional cost.

When you’ll get paid

The money you earn from hosting is released to you about 24 hours after your guest’s scheduled check-in time. Exactly when the funds arrive in your account depends on the payout method you’ve selected.

The payout methods available and their typical delivery times include:

  • Fast Pay: 30 minutes or less
  • Payoneer: 24 hours or less
  • PayPal: 1 business day
  • Western Union: 1 business day (can vary by country/region)
  • Bank transfer: 3 to 5 business days
  • International wire: 3 to 7 business days

When you host a stay of 28 nights or longer, Airbnb sends your earnings in monthly installments, starting about 24 hours after your guest checks in. You can see the status of your payouts in your earnings dashboard anytime. Learn more about getting paid

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.
12 févr. 2020
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