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West Village, Manhattan : activités

Réservez des activités uniques organisées par des experts locaux sur Airbnb.

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Évaluation moyenne sur la base de 665 commentaires : 4.91 sur 5

Séance photo privée au célèbre pont de Brooklyn et à Dumbo

My IG: @capture_by_j, but I prefer to be contacted here instead. I won't reach out to you on IG. If you have a different time in mind, simply send me a request and I'll let you know my availability. You'll receive 25 to 27 photos for each person you add to the experience ( 2 people 56-60 pictures) within a few days after the photoshoot is over, in 4 to 7 days. These photos will be sent to you through a link here on Airbnb that captures the essence of your trip. The best part is that the photos are included in the package, so no extra payment is required. Additionally, you can enjoy the privacy of a personal photoshoot with just you or your party. The experience is about 40 to 60 min You are going to be be exploring Brooklyn Bridge and dumbo place where you will never forget And I will be photographing you or you party to capture those moments In case of rain, we can reschedule instead of canceling, depending on the intensity. Please note that if you're more then 15 minutes late I’ll leave Once I give you the pictures, the responsibility transfers to you. The link to access to the added photos will not remain available 7 months, so remember to keep them safe. Please be aware that I am not liable for any of your belongings during the photoshoot.

Évaluation moyenne sur la base de 1004 commentaires : 4.94 sur 5

Balade et séance photo cinématographique sur le pont de Brooklyn

This experience takes place at the Brooklyn Bridge Park and Brooklyn Bridge, but I’m always open to capture clients at different locations upon request for an additional charge. Because of my background working side by side with models and actors, my clients appreciate my directions in front of the camera. My main priority is to create lasting memories of your trip to New York City while adding some flavor to your social media! For my photographs, we can start in the morning at Brooklyn Bridge Park with the best light and least traffic. We will explore the Brooklyn Bridge Park, along with other respected cultural locations. I can assure you will find new places to bring your friends to Brooklyn and photographs to make your friends back home wish they were with you. My evening experience is at the Brooklyn Bridge when the light is low & we can get great pictures of you with the sunset in the background. As an avid traveler who's traveled the world, I enjoy meeting new people from other countries. Once we become acquainted, you will become my model for 1 hour. I am excited to share my 10+ years of experience working in the fashion & advertising industry with you. A preview link will be provided to all the photos. You can pick up to 1 complimentary and purchase as many extra photos as you want. All unedited photos and 10 edits are included for private group bookings.

  1. Airbnb
  2. États-Unis
  3. New York
  4. New York
  5. Manhattan
  6. West Village