An image of a  modern floating house on a lake, with a wooden deck, large glass windows, solar panels on the roof, and a yellow kayak beside it.
What you need to know about

Simplified Pricing

Historically, Airbnb has had a single fee structure for all Hosts, in which a service fee is charged to both the Host (3%) and the guest (under 14.2% in most cases). Based on feedback from many professional Hosts, we launched a new fee option for software-connected Hosts to remove the guest service fee and provide Hosts with more control over their rates. This fee structure is known as Simplified Pricing.From December 2020, Simplified Pricing (15% Host fee) is the only available fee structure to all software-connected Hosts on Airbnb globally (excludes US, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, The Bahamas, Argentina and Taiwan).
A screenshot of the Airbnb pricing screen showing itemized and total pricing and highlighting the text "No service fee. Matthias covers the service fee for their guests.


This service fee structure allows you to have a simpler pricing strategy as you’ll be able to set what the guests will pay. We’ll also highlight the fact that there is no guest service fee added to your rates, making your listings more attractive to many guests. Hosts that have decided to switch and keep their prices competitive across channels have seen an overall increase in their bookings (~17%*). *Average observed bookings increase for hosts using host-only fee in Europe between November 2019 and February 2020 . Actual results may vary for each host.

What some of our hosts have to say about the Simplified Service Fee

"We've experienced an increase in bookings and it makes it a lot simpler for guests. It also brings it in line with all the other platforms."
-- Gold Coast Holiday Rentals, Host in Australia
" makes performance analytics and pricing decisions much easier. We also appreciate the goodwill and branding that comes with our listings having an icon displayed showing that we cover the guest service fees as their host."
-- The Urban Butler, Host in New Zealand

How can I prepare for this?


Add your VAT number

To prepare for this change, please make sure that you have added your VAT information to ensure Airbnb does not withhold VAT on your host fee on Airbnb.

You can switch now

If you want to control your listing’s final price before taxes, or if you host on other websites, you can include the service fee in the price you set.

Adjust your rates (if needed)

Since a larger service fee will be deducted from your payouts, you may want to adjust your prices through your Software Provider to cover the difference to ensure your earnings don’t change. Before adjusting your prices, keep in mind that it’s important to stay competitive.

Frequently Asked Questions