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Kyoto : activités autour de la nourriture et des boissons

Réservez des activités uniques organisées par des experts locaux sur Airbnb.

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Évaluation moyenne sur la base de 1250 commentaires : 4.98 sur 5

Cérémonie de thé japonaise à Anoan

古都日本京都体验抹茶道文化 您可通过预约直接到店参与茶道体验,享受60分钟服务,潜心体验独特的日本文化之旅。在客人和我们的其他客人预约时间允许的情况下,还可以继续享受跟由佳老师喝茶交流。 在暗香庵的茶道体验,先从缓解您旅途中的疲劳开始,一边品尝由佳老师泡的迎客茶,一边畅谈茶道及其他各种。之后移动到另一层的抹茶茶室,在观赏老师打制的淡抹茶同时,还可以品尝抹茶及美味的和果子。这时候最好能够仔细观察老师的点茶动作,要问为什么的话,因为之后您将要亲自上阵,体验点茶中关键的环节。不过您不必担心,这时候老师会在您身边辅导和讲解,让您充分体验【点日本抹茶】的乐趣。 通过体验了解抹茶道文化渊源直接参与互动,能感受到的事物和那些无法亲身体会的部分。同时再让我们分享那些目所能的及心中感受的 比如“日本人是怎样生活的呢?”,“日本文化是怎么形成的呢?”等。通过抹茶道的体验能够让双方在不同文化的基础上,在交流的过程中做到拉进心灵的距离,暗香庵抹茶道体验的最大特点。 最后静下心来专注品尝自己打制的那份包含着日本深厚底蕴文化的抹茶来结束本次愉快的体验。 其他注意事项 除新年期间(12月31日-1月3日)外,体验活动全年对外开放,请按下列时间段预约体验。因每日体验活动满员的场合,将无法正常参加,所以请提前和我们联系。另,若预定日期或时间段满员的场合,会需要麻烦您变更时间,敬请谅解。

Évaluation moyenne sur la base de 1537 commentaires : 4.99 sur 5

Tournée des bars à saké artisanal et local

Top rated entire Japan foodie/drinks bar crawl here. Not like the other tour in touristy area! Please read detailed guest review to get to know more about my tour ! "Let's get away from TOURIST TRAP like Doutonbori/Namba/Shinsekai area and dive into deep local side with real local who was born and raised Osaka city ! Experience of this bar crawl will walk around deep side of Osaka, If you’re looking for "off the beaten path" munchies experience beyond Namba or Dotonbori area in Osaka, HERE is for YOU who want to glimpse what a real local night life is. Let me take you to three SPECIAL standing bars where they originally opened as "liquor store" turned out to be a "Tapas Bar". Great things that we will have quality food/drinks as very reasonable price! You will encounter a bunch of flavorful food/drinks surrounded by full of local. You will be fit in well to local life without language barrier to have Japanese mom's cooking, seasonal sashimi, variety of meat and veggies. You can also buy a quality Sake/whiskey bottle in order to have your souvenir! Let's enjoy the real local night out together like a local. Other things to note Food/drinks are NOT included in the tour fee. Average food/drink costs is about 7000yen in TOTAL 3 restaurant. You will be stuffed! Vegetarian friendly! LGBTQ friendly! Non-alcohol option. Message me if apps doesn't show up the date you want.