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Hébergement responsable à Trieste (Italie)

Communication of short-term rental activities

In order to rent your accommodation in Trieste you must submit a Notification of Commencement of Activity form to the city’s Single Unit for Productive Activities (SUAP).

To access the portal, you will need an SPID, a certified email address (PEC), and a digital signature. If you do not have SPID, you can submit this form via an intermediary with power of attorney.

How to Register

Notify the Municipality of Trieste of the accommodation you intend to rent for tourism purposes, at the Sportello Unico delle Attività Produttive (SUAP), through the Trieste government website.

To access the portal, you will need a SPID, a certified e-mail address (PEC) and a digital signature. Alternatively, you can entrust the communication to a professional, using the special power of attorney found in the forms section.

Tourist Tax Collection

Airbnb will collect and remit Tourist Taxes in all municipalities that impose a Tourist Tax on behalf of short term rental bookings. Learn more about Tourist Tax Collection in Italy.

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